Friday, February 27, 2015


a ten-minute play by A. S. Maulucci

TIME: the present

PLACE: The living room of large house in an affluent neighborhood of a major metropolitan city.

CHARACTERS: JOHN, a distinguished-looking middle-aged man dressed in a well-tailored business suit and carrying a slim leather briefcase. WOMAN, a very attractive 30-something, slim, slightly athletic, very sexy, wearing designer jeans and a loose blouse.

SCENE: As the lights come up we see the WOMAN pacing languorously across the room. Her movements are cat-like. Her manner throughout the play is sexy and seductive. After a few moments, JOHN enters. The WOMAN and JOHN stand regarding each other in silence for a few beats.

JOHN: Who are you? How did you get in here?

WOMAN: Aren’t you happy to see me?

JOHN: How could I be? I don’t know who you are.

WOMAN: Don’t you? How can you be sure?

JOHN: I’ve never seen you before in my life. Where is my wife?

WOMAN: Do not worry. She is safe. No harm will come to her.

JOHN: What are you doing here?

WOMAN: I am here for you, John.

JOHN: What do you mean? And how do you know my name?

WOMAN: Don’t you know? You have conjured me up. Like a genii from a bottle.

JOHN: Don’t be ridiculous. Is this some kind of scam? Some new kind of home invasion?

WOMAN: It is you who will be taking control of me, and not the other way around.

JOHN: Are you crazy? What kind of nonsense is this?

WOMAN: I assure you, it will all make perfect sense . . . after a while.

[JOHN takes out his cell phone and begins to make a call.

WOMAN: Who are you calling, John?

JOHN: Who do you think? The police.

WOMAN: That would be a foolish mistake. Don’t you want to hear what I have to say?

JOHN: Not really.

WOMAN: I think you do.

JOHN: Why should I?

WOMAN: Because you’ll find me fascinating once you get to know me.

JOHN: What a crock! Would you please get out of my house. Where’s my wife? What have you done with her?

WOMAN: I will tell you everything you want to know, in due time. But first I want to get to know you a little.

JOHN: This is absurd. You are a strange woman.

WOMAN: Really? In what way? [pause] Why don’t you pour us a drink?

JOHN: Looks like you’ve had quite enough already.

WOMAN: I swear to you I haven’t had a drop since I got here.

JOHN: When did you get here?

WOMAN:  A little while before you did.

JOHN: And just where did you come from?

WOMAN: In due time, John. In due time you will know everything you wish to know. Now why don’t you relax and fix us a drink?

JOHN: Where are the others?

WOMAN: The others?

JOHN: Your confederates. The other members of your gang. Are they lurking around the house? Are they hiding upstairs or down in the basement?

WOMAN: There are no others, John. There is only me.

JOHN: Well you must be working with someone else. Someone else has taken my wife away.

WOMAN: Why do you say that? Perhaps she left of her own free will.

JOHN: She wouldn’t do a thing like that.

WOMAN: How little you know her. In fact it took very little to persuade her.

JOHN: You must be putting me on.

WOMAN: You know best.

JOHN: I don’t like being patronized.

WOMAN: What is it you do like, John?

JOHN: What business is that of yours?

WOMAN: You like being admired. You like your job.

JOHN: Yeah, so what?

WOMAN: You like the feeling of power it gives you, being your own boss, having people working under you, giving commands, having your orders obeyed by your staff.

JOHN: What’s wrong with that?

WOMAN: Nothing, John, absolutely nothing. I too like feeling powerful and in control.

JOHN: I bet you do. And you get that feeling from playing with guys like me, is that it?

WOMAN: As you wish. Only I’m not afraid to let go once in a while. I don’t mind being submissive on occasion, with the right man.

JOHN: Oh, I see. You get your kicks from showing up in some stranger’s house and playing the woman of mystery. Your life must be pretty boring if you have to spice it up like that.

WOMAN: What’s wrong with a little spice now and then?

JOHN: I don’t like mind games. I don’t like being manipulated. Now if you would kindly tell me where my wife went to so I could get on with my evening. I’ve had a hard day, and I don’t need the aggravation.

WOMAN: She went for a long walk with the dogs.

JOHN: I doubt it. We don’t have any dogs.

WOMAN: She went for a drive.

JOHN: I think I saw her car in the garage when I came home.

WOMAN: What difference does it make? Like I told you, she is safe; no harm will come to her.

JOHN: Why should I trust you?

WOMAN: I don’t know. But what choice do you have?

JOHN: I’m calling the police.

WOMAN: That would be a terrible mistake.

JOHN: So you said. But maybe I should take the chance.

WOMAN: You are an intelligent man, John. You are a strong and calculating man. But more to the point, you are a man who likes to take risks, are you not?

JOHN: Just what are you getting at?

WOMAN: You and me, John. Or more specifically, you. I am trying to get at you.

JOHN: What for?

WOMAN: For your own good.

JOHN: Don’t give me that crap. You want something. You want money. Okay, how much? It’ll be worth it to get rid of you and get my wife back.

WOMAN: I don’t want your money, John.

JOHN: I’m getting tired of this. Like I told you, I don’t like games. Now suppose you tell me just what it is you want and then get the hell out of here.

WOMAN: But this IS what I want, John.

JOHN: What do you mean?

WOMAN: What I want is to be here with you.

JOHN: Are you out of your mind? This is my private life. You can’t just pop up in here and spend time with me whenever you want.

WOMAN: Why not? Isn’t that every man’s fantasy? To come home to a strange woman, a different woman every night.

JOHN: Maybe some men, but it’s not mine.

WOMAN: Why not?

JOHN: I like consistency.

WOMAN: You like life to be predictable.

JOHN: Yes, up to a point. I like a little unpredictability too.

WOMAN: A little excitement?

JOHN: Where is this going?

WOMAN: Where does it always go?

JOHN: You mean into the bedroom?

WOMAN: If that’s what you want.

JOHN: What I want is for you to get yourself out of here.

WOMAN: That’s not going to happen.

JOHN: Oh really? And why not?

WOMAN: Because that’s not really what you want.

JOHN: What if I just pick you up and throw you out on your ass?

WOMAN: You wouldn’t do that.

JOHN: Oh, wouldn’t I? You just watch me.

[JOHN picks up the woman and walks a few steps with her, then puts her down on the sofa and begins kissing her.

WOMAN: Now that’s more like it.

JOHN: Is this what you want? You slut! You dirty little whore!

WOMAN: Yes, this is exactly what I want.

[More kissing. The doorbell rings.

JOHN: That must be my wife.

WOMAN: Tell her to go away.

[More kissing. The doorbell rings again. JOHN stands up.

WOMAN: Can’t you just ignore it? Just this once?

JOHN: It might be important.

WOMAN: But we were having such a good time.

JOHN: I’m expecting a delivery.

WOMAN: You know something, John, that’s the trouble with our marriage. Your damn business always comes first.


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